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Mathewhackits is a programme that enables pupils to learn about maths through music. The programme works particularly well with Year 3 and Year 4 but is suitable for any pupils between Year 2 and Year 6.


The programme focuses on helping pupils to memorise elements of the maths curriculum, including times tables, reading the time from a clock and number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. 


The musical challenges focus on the building blocks of music, particularly pulse, rhythm and ensemble playing. 


Pupils will learn to find and play a pulse in time with others, and will be expected to play rhythms sometimes in unison and sometimes in smaller groups, dependent on the colour of their boomwhacker. 


The rhythms increase in difficulty as the programme progresses, introducing crotchets, quavers, semiquavers, triplets and rests along the way. 


There is a rich variety of high quality, specially composed music representing a wide range of musical genres. 


Mathewhackits is a fun and engaging way for pupils to learn about maths. It is an ongoing project; more videos will be added in response to requests from teachers and schools. If you can think of an area of maths you would like to learn using this programme, please get in touch!




Showreel: Mathewhackits Videos 
Sample Video: 3 x Table
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